Monday, July 14, 2008

Latest News, Funding Updates, Songs for Sale

I got an email update from the registrar for Aaron's worship school this evening. I'll show it to you.

It is my pleasure and delight to send this email out to you all. Congratulations. My prayers for you will continue and intensify. Let me know if you have specified prayer needs. Aaron's wife Megan leads an amazing prayer team that will be honored to lift you to the Father.

Here are some details for the next few weeks that you will find helpful.

First month's tuition (September) is due now. Tuition ($1000.00) is due on the 1st of each month, starting in October.

School will start Aug 27. You will be attending the 722 Beach retreat in Destin starting on August 29th with Aaron. Brennan Manning is the guest speaker. To ready your hearts for this event we have ordered you one his books “Ragamuffin Gospel” that should come in tomorrow. I will mail them to you” out of towners”. Daniel and Brett let me know if that works for you as well. Summer reading dudes!!

You will have Thanksgiving week off (Nov. 24-28) and 2 weeks at Christmas (Dec.22-Jan. 5) Aaron will be discussing your possible involvement with our holiday gathering...more on that later.

The school session will end the week of Feb 23

Please feel free to contact me with your questions.

I was overjoyed to get this email today. I'll be honest, I've been very, very, discouraged about the finances for this internship over the last few weeks. If you remember, I was under the impression that we would be required to turn in half of the total tuition up-front. That would be $3,000. I was having a hard time seeing how that was going to happen. Thank God that is not the case. He has been so faithful in being creatively providential for me. This was not the way I thought it could happen, but it is definitely miraculous! Thank you for praying for me.

I almost have the first month's tuition right now, which is great! I am still in need of a lot of help for the following months. I have a feeling I will be walking by faith every single month, but this is no new experience for me. Please continue praying for me and consider any ways you might be able to help...even if it is very little.

That brings me to my other news: My new EP, entitled "You", is up on MySpace. Also, now I have a Snocap Mystore on my myspace page. There, you can buy the songs from "You". This is going to be an influential way for people to support me throughout the time of this internship.

The songs on "You" are worship. They are my heart to Him. My prayer is this
Lord, I want my life to be all for You.

All for You, Jesus.

-Daniel Cowan

P.S. you can get them here too.

1 comment:

Abigail said...

I'm so glad you're going to get to go to this school this fall Daniel! I'm praying for you my brother and I'll be praying about any way I can be of support or service:)